Planets in a Room - Join the Community

The magic of the sky in your room

Planets in a Room

Why a Community?

Planets in a Room is an open project that will require your time, expertise and passion to build the system and use it,  with your content!

To keep the project as low cost as possible, we need your collaboration to optimize the system and calibrate it carefully before using it. Remember that study and patience are important parts of science and learning.

You will be part of the community of space and science lovers who choose to build and use Planets in a Room to make their passion grow, involving new generations.

ATTENTION: If you are an italian school and want to work directly with Speak Science to learn to build and use it, contact us at We have a special project for you.

Distribution of Planets in a room started in September 2018, with EPSC2018. In the next months, you will see users starting to appear in this page.

At the moment, you can find Planets in a room at:

  • Speak Science, the no-profit association that has built the project, for educational and public outreach projects Link to webpage
  • AstronomiAmo, partner in the project, that uses it for education and outreach Link to the website
  • INAF, National Institute for Astrophysics, in Rome at IAPS, where it is used for lessons and events Link to the website
  • Roma Tre University, where it is used in public events and educational projects Link to the webpage
  • Tor Vergata University, where it was used in 2018/2019 with high-school students for a 2 week internship on science communication Link to the project
  • Astronomical Observatory of Genève University, since November 2018, where it is used with the general public and schools Link to website
  • Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy da Gennaio 2019, Link al sito web
  • OXford University, Dept. of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Link al sito web 
  • Associazione Astrofili di Barletta, Astro BAT, da Febbraio 2019 Link al sito web
  • Associazione Astrofili Punto di vista, Link al sito web
  • Scuola ITIS Giovanni XXIII, Link al sito web

Planets in a Room is being presented in scientific congresses, technological events and educational activities. Among these:

  • Occhi su Marte, 15 February 2019, Università degli studi Roma Tre, Roma, Link
  • XV National Congress of Planetary Science, 4-8 February 2019, Florence, where a poster and a talk were presented Link
  • Master "Training for Trainer in Science Teaching" at Tor Vergata University, year 2018/2019 Link
  • Maker Faire di Roma, October 2018, where it was presented bySpeak Science, INAF-IAPS e Università di Roma Tre Link
  • European Researchers Night 2018 at Frascati, Mura Valadier, September 2018, where it was used by Speak Science, in collaboration with FrascatiScienza for lessons for schols Link
  • European Researchers Night 2018 at Ariccia, September 2018, where it was used by Speak Science, in collaboration with the Ariccia Town Hall, for a project for schools (Alternanza Scuola Lavoro) Link
  • European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) in September 2018, in Berlin, Germany  with a talk Link
  • European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) in September 2017, in Riga, Latvia Link
  • selected among the 19 Outreach Reccomended Projects of 2018 by IAU’s Office of Astronomy for Development Link.
  • at Tor Vergata University, Rome, in 2018/2019, as part of an internship on Journalism and science communication for high school students Link